Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Humana
Volumen 23, Número 3 (2023)
Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency
Kamran Abbasi, Parveen Ali, Virginia Barbour, Thomas Thomas, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Stephen Hancocks, Richard Horton, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Robert Mash, Peush Sahni, Wadeia Mohammad Sharief, Paul Yonga, and Chris Zielinski
Lifestyles and diet related to nutritional status and the risk of DM2 in young women from two Colombian universities
Mylene Rodríguez Leyton, Alexander Parody Muñoz, Andrea Carolina Henríquez Coronado, Karla Andrea Rodríguez Pérez, and Lucia Sánchez Majana
Use of inhaled corticoids as a risk factor for community-acquired pneumonia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
María Alejandra Castillo Vega and Gilmar Robert Mejía Sánchez
Antiseptics solutions for Prevention of surgical wound infection in appendectomized patients by complicated acute appendicitis
Arturo García Galicia, Álvaro José Montiel Jarquín, Leonardo Corona Olmedo, Yaciel Ezaú Flores Ramos, Ricardo Adolfo Parker Bosquez, Jorge Loria Castellanos, Victor De la Rosa, and Janeth Ramírez Mendoza
First report of a Dengue outbreak in Balsas, Amazonas, Peru, during 2021 and 2022.
Lourdes Ramírez Orrego, Luis Martin Rojas Muro, Christian J. Campos, Carmen Ines Gutiérrez de Carrillo, Stella M. Chenet, and Lizandro Gonzales Cornejo
Vulnerability of the sanitary infrastructure in relation to COVID-19 in the district of Castilla-Piura 2021-2022
Luis Fernando Chero Córdova and Guisela Yabar Torres
Emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies in health care workers.
Roxana Traverso Zumaeta, July Patricia Aguirre Mollehuanca, Jesús Enrique Talavera, and Juan Carlos Palomino Baldeon
Association between hematological parameters and metabolically unhealthy phenotypes in children and adolescents.
Functionality before and after physiotherapy in post COVID-19 patients
Margarita López Siete, Macbeth Huerta Carmona, Mónica Sánchez Manzano, Brenda Varinka Morales Montiel, Esmeralda Gracián Castro, Arturo García Galicia, Álvaro José Montiel Jarquín, and Nancy Rosalía Bertado Ramírez
Effect of Tropaeolum Tuberosum "Mashua" (Tropaeolaceae) on gene expression related to spermatogenesis in mouse
José Gonzales Daga, José Pino Gaviño, Rafael Alvis Dávila, Juan Francia Quiroz, Carlos Bell Cortez, Pilar Pino Velásquez, and Betty Shiga Oshige
Assessment of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis drug-resistance patterns in a public hospital of Lima, Peru during 2022
Jorge Roberto Mosqueira Sanchez, María Angélica Paredes Moreno, Julio César Layseca Ortiz, Nancy Victoria Mogrovejo Olivera, and Alvaro Oyarce Calderón
Leadership styles and job performance in medical professionals at hospital Vitarte – Lima, 2018
José Luis Bedriñana Sotomayor and Marcos Julio Saavedra Muñoz
Frequency of the symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Premenstrual Syndrome, related to academic stress in medical students of a private university in Peru
Diana Carolina Pantigoso Suárez, Luis Enrique Castañeda Cuba, Sheyla Brigitte Méndez Guerrero, Luz Estrella Mercado Centurión, Grecia Ariadna Montoya Gamarra, Fátima Alejandrina Olivos Cuba, Débora Stefany Paredes Carrión, Juan Jorge Huamán Saavedra, and Selene Claudelina Yengle Del Castillo
Characterization of diet in Biochemical and anthropometric profiles whit the analysis of main components in obese patients, Guayaquil – Ecuador
Yuliana Yessy Gomez Rutti, Janet del Rocio Gordillo Cortaza, and Juan Jesús Soria Quijaite
Risk factors associated with prolonged hospital stay in Neonatal Intensive Care: a case-control study.
Gladys Edith Victorio Arribasplata, Hillary Marian Romaní Victorio, and Sergio Alfredo Romaní Larrea
Cytogenetic findings and maternal age in patients with Down syndrome in a pediatric referral hospital from Peru
Yesica Llimpe Mitma de Barrón, Maribel Susana Ccoyllo Álvarez, Milana Trubnykova, and Rocío Margarita González Moreno
Vaginal estrogen therapy and the risk of recurrence in women with a history of breast cancer
María Alejandra Boada Fuentes, Raquel Elena Toncel Herrera, Andrea Leonor Wadnipar Gutierrez, Daniel Fernando Delgado Ruiz, Julio Mario Rojas Salinas, Robert Alejandro Rodríguez Niño, Liliana Carolina Cortés Velasquez, and Yelson Alejandro Picón Jaimes
The difficult pathway of natriuretic peptides in heart failure
Omar Augusto Diaz Cucho
Oral health practices during first 1000 days of life: Literature review
Kamila Sihuay-Torres, Ivo Luna-Mazzola, Rosa Lara-Verastegui, and Lauro Marcoantonio Rivera Félix
Medical vocation, beyond the duty of care: a review of literature from ethical and philosophical perspectives
Ricardo Jonathan Ayala Garcia and Lisset Giuliana Huamaní Huamán
Systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma in a woman with centromere antinuclear antibodies, pulmonary and digestive involvement: Case report
Freddy Liñán Ponce, Juan Leiva Goicochea, and José Chávez Corrales
(Uveitis - glaucoma - hyphema syndrome: Clinical case)
Diego José Mamani Maquera, Nahuel Pantoja Dávalos, and Milthon Catacora Contreras
Spontaneous pneumothorax and bullous emphysema in a young patient? About a case
María Manuela Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Hernán Cardona-Gaviria, Luisa María Hincapie-Cano, María Camila Oyuela-Gutiérrez, Tatiana Ximena Quevedo-Cristancho, Daniela Valencia-Riascos, Juliana Gómez-Raigosa, and María Carolina Díaz-Rivera
Systemic immunomodulatory therapy in the management of atopic dermatitis: the value of Tralokinumab
Sara Muñoz Ordóñez, Jessika Alexandra Layos, Maria Paula Garcia Lozano, and Yelson Alejandro Picón Jaimes
First course of palliative care in undergraduate medicine at a Peruvian university
José Portugal-Sánchez, Rolando Vásquez Alva, Carolina Pérez Agüero, Rita Abarca Del Carpio, Katia Echegaray Castro, Virginia Garaycochea Cannon, and José Amado Tineo
Can vitamin D be the ray of sunshine that lights up the treatment of gastric cancer?
Alfredo Williams Campos Perez, Sacha Barrios Healey, and José Manuel Vela Ruiz